On Tue, 7 Sep 1999, KATO Takenori wrote:

> DDB does not provide enough security.  Though securelevel cannot be
> changed,
>       (1) Turn off power.
>       (2) Boot as single-user mode.

Setting the console as insecure should protect against this.  

> or
>       (1) Turn off power.
>       (2) Remove HDD.
>       (3) Mount on another FreeBSD box.
>       (4) Edit a file in the HDD.
>       (5) Return HDD.
>       (6) Reboot.
> is available.

There isn't a whole lot you can do to protect a system against crackers who
have physical access to the system.  Heavily armed guards would help, but I
don't expect to see them as part of the base distribution anytime soon.

David Scheidt

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