At the risk of being flamed for my inexperience...

I caught the thread here more or less because it was a conspicuous mess on my
list (and thanks to the flamers with the name suggestions, even longer). I still
think that something good could be done here that of course would cause a little
work, but might serve to teach those somewhat newer to the system (as I am) more
about user.||:group naming schemes on the one hand and perhaps more about the
secure use of such schemes in combination with their uid/gid's.  A standard
configure script for ports that are possible know security hazards (as MTA's can
be) could suggest typical naming conventions (and a short reason for them) and
uid/gid's (although these are more arbitrary) for said ports.  If they were to
go so far as to create new user/groups or simply prompt their creation seems
like no minor security question, would however add to a certain automation
(scripts to add users aren't unheard of) to the process. An initial make would
prompt check if the port had been configured for and if the uid/gid
existed and simply chown the necessary files after install.  This would help the
new user develop a naming scheme as well as a sense of why while at the same
time allowing advanced users to more quickly (I know chown is no big task) adapt
new ports to system-wide uid/gid conventions.

I simply see here a possible compromise that offers benefits to both sides.  If
I had a little more experience myself, I'd come with a concrete proposal and the
work done, but you'll have to be patient.  I will someday contribute, but for
now I can only boast of the stabiliy and enjoy the beauty of all of your work in

Yours truly,

Shaun D. Jurrens

(hopefully soon:
IRCnick: shamz #chillout #unix 

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