I posted this to -hardware a few days ago and haven't
gotten much in the way of feedback;  since it sounds to me
like a driver bug this seems like an appropriate forum too.

Is anyone here using -any- ATAPI drive for backup?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide...this is 
screwy, and I really would rather not have to go out and buy a
different tape drive.  :-/


----- Forwarded message from David Krinsky <krin...@bantha.org> -----

Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 22:26:21 -0400
From: David Krinsky <krin...@bantha.org>
To: freebsd-hardw...@freebsd.org
Subject: Seagate STT8000A (ATAPI/IDE) on FreeBSD?
X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.4i

Has anyone here successfully used a Seagate STT8000A (8 gig Travan)
ATAPI/IDE tape drive with FreeBSD?

With wst0 compiled into the kernel, the drive is recognized correctly,
and even works properly with small amounts of data;  I have been
able to back up and restore (using tar) a small test directory.

When I try to tar up a usefully-sized directory or filesystem,
however, the drive will begin its work apparently correctly, but the
tar will exit with an I/O error at a variable point a few seconds to
minutes into the backup.  The following goes to syslog:

        wst_done: wst0: nonrecovered data error
        total=337920 ERR=70 len=20 ASC=31 ASCQ=0

After this point, and until the next reboot, all attempts to
access the drive cause the machine to hang for a few
seconds, and then return to normal, but with the new tar
process asleep, apparently uninterruptibly, on wstdsc.
After the brief hang the following appears in the syslog:

        atapi1.1: controller not ready for cmd
        atapi1.1: controller not ready for cmd
        atapi1.1: controller not ready for cmd
        atapi1.1: controller not ready for cmd
        atapi1.1: controller not ready for cmd
        wst0: Sense media type failed

Has anyone seen this problem?  I am running 3.2-STABLE on a vanilla
PIII-450.  The filesystems being backed up are, in toto, quite large,
but the disk space used is less than 3GB (and should thus fit on 
one tape with or without compression).

Any help would be appreciated;  I'm willing to go to -CURRENT if it'll
fix the problem, but as this is my primary work machine I'd
rather not do so unless I'm confident it will improve the situation.

Many thanks!


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