On Wed 1999-09-01 (16:40), Andrzej Bialecki wrote:
> > :I vote for two spaces after the period before the start of a new sentence.
> > :Even in the digital age, I've always found that the two spaces make
> >     I guess they don't teach manual typewriting classes any more :-)
> >     It *had* to be two spaces or you got seriously marked down!
> Doesn't apply here in Europe. I vote against putting in too much
> stars&stripes dependent stuff... ;-)
I was about to mention something about Britain, but I suppose we can't
go about calling them European. (:

And (at least in my school, which tries its best to appear British
and colonial, and more recently my university) here in .za the
convention persists.

Of course, we could, like me, just never use more than one sentence
per paragraph (making sure we use the correct conjunctions), which
has always caused havoc in my brief involvement in user education
and documentation.

I'd also like to advocate the return of the semi-colon; it is

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Neil Blakey-Milner

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