
The IA64 (merced) is a kind of VLIW (Very Large Instruction Word)
processor.  It is basically a complete new kind of systems architecture
with a i686 (and of course a i586, ..., 4004) slapped on the side.  The
original processor design was done by HP.  See:

        The IA-64 Architecture at Work,
        IEEE Computer Vol. 31, No. 7, July 1998

for a more informed description ;-) of the processor.

Hans Zuidam             e-mail: hans.zui...@nl.origin-it.com
Origin, BAS/AM-CE       tel. +31 40 2735569
Gebouw SK-520           fax. +31 40 2736936
Glaslaan 2
5616 LW Eindhoven

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