On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 18, 1999 at 05:00:48AM -0400, Marc Ramirez wrote:
> > 
> > I was thinking about this the other day, while mousting a series of floppy
> > disks, and it seems to me that what you're looking for, at least for
> > removable media, is a sort of single-user UFS that says "Joe Schmoe owns
> > this file system."
> our(*) msdos and ados filesystems (at least) do (sort of) this.

Yeah.  That's definitely where I'd start from.  I think the main obstacle
for any *BSD system in the ease-of-use department will be the
must-mount-as-root issue.  I don't know what's involved in getting that to
work properly.  Maybe the best solution is to have some sort of automount
daemon.  That would more than likely work for devices with media detection
(Mac floppys come to mind... :) The devil's in the details...


> Regards,
>       -is
> *) where we = NetBSD
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