I don't think that this is an appropriate forum but I will put in my two
cents nonetheless. At least as of a couple of years age MIPS was the most
widely used embedded processor in the world. Thus, MIPS is in no way
dependent on IRIX. Not to mention that Linux runs on MIPS.

On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Garance A Drosihn wrote:

> At 4:19 PM +0000 8/16/99, Terry Lambert wrote:
> >Begging your pardon, but:
> >
> >
> >| --- With the help of Veritas Software Corp., SGI will work to add
> >| key features of its Irix operating system to the Linux platform.
> >| Currently, Irix runs on the MIPS platform. Once SGI switches
> >| entirely to Intel Corp.'s IA/64 platform, that will be the end
> >| of Irix.
> >|
> >| SGI is also forming an alliance with NEC Corp. to increase its
> >| market share in Japan.
> >
> >These paragraphs are contradictory.  It implies an end to MIPS.
> >
> >Nintendo 64 uses MIPS.
> I don't think those paragraphs are all that contradictory.  They
> just imply the end of SGI selling MIPS-based workstations running
> IRIX.  Nintendo can keep using MIPS, and my guess is that Nintendo
> is not running IRIX on their machines.  What is the contradiction?
> I'm making the assumption here that Nintendo sells more Nintendo 64
> games than SGI sells workstations, and thus SGI dropping MIPS for
> workstations does *-NOT-* imply the end of MIPS.  It only implies
> the end of IRIX.
> In any case, even if it is contradictory in some sense, there is
> no question that SGI is *claiming* that they are all buddy-buddy
> with linux, and thus they are already comfortable with gnu-licensed
> software.
> ---
> Garance Alistair Drosehn           =   g...@eclipse.acs.rpi.edu
> Senior Systems Programmer          or  dro...@rpi.edu
> Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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