--- Terry Lambert <tlamb...@primenet.com> wrote:
> > > > On Fri, 13 Aug 1999, Terry Lambert wrote:
> > > > 
> > > Can you please site a reference for this, other than
> wishful
> > > thinking by the Linux camp?
> > 
> > Here's one:
> >
> > 
> > But just about every trade rag covered it.
> Begging your pardon, but:
> | --- With the help of Veritas Software Corp., SGI will work
> to add
> | key features of its Irix operating system to the Linux
> platform.
> | Currently, Irix runs on the MIPS platform. Once SGI switches
> | entirely to Intel Corp.'s IA/64 platform, that will be the
> end of
> | Irix. 
> |
> | SGI is also forming an alliance with NEC Corp. to increase
> | its market share in Japan.
> These paragraphs are contradictory.  It implies an end to

Contradictory how? NEC's a big PC manufacurer in Japan. If SGI
is moving toward more conventional off-the-shelf components,
they stand to gain tremendously by an alliance, both from
manufacturing and distribution standpoints.

> Nintendo 64 uses MIPS.
> It also seems a bit overzealous.

So do the old and new Playstation models. The MIPS core is being
manufactured by several companies: IDT alone has something like
a dozen variants available with and without MMU, FP, 5000 vs
10000 core, etc. and is in far wider use than in just PCs and
gaming consoles. I doubt if SGI machines abandoning MIPS
processors would put much of a dent in MIPS' profitability.

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