Narvi wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Aug 1999, Mark Murray wrote:
> > > Couldn't you work the code so it obtains all its' encryption functions
> > > from an external library, such as the system's libdes? That would let you
> > > export the code, since it doesn't provide any encryption functions itself,
> > > and international people could use the international DES library (for
> > > other encryption algorithms, pick a freely available implmenetation such
> > > as the one from openssl).
> >
> > This makes the most sense. Thrash it out as a port, and if that works,
> > we can bring it into both repositories.
> >
> Why not just wait and bring the openssl library in?

If it even talks to openssl, it's not exportable.

> A new telnet authentifications method that just we used is not terribly
> usefull.

A. It's not new.

B. Not just we use it. It may not be tremendously widespread, but I
that just as many people use SRA as use SRP or SSLtelnet (probably a lot
people use ssh).

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