On Fri, 30 Jul 1999, Steve Price wrote:

> Anyone have detailed docs for 3Com's 3C515 NIC?  I found
> Guy Helmer's driver, http://www.freebsd.org/~ghelmer/3c515/
> but it didn't recognize the card I have.  I was going to
> spend some time this weekend to see if I could figure out
> what was up.  Just thought it might be easier if I had
> a little light reading material that described how the
> chip on it was supposed to work. :)

Have you tried booting with the "-v" flag to see the driver's probe
messages?  Did you configure the card using the configuration "pnp"
commands before the kernel starts booting?  For example,

config> pnp 1 0 irq0 9 port0 0x360 enable os

did the trick for me on a 3.2 system.  When I did an install of FreeBSD
3.2 on a machine with a 3C515, I was pleasantly surprised when sysinstall
captured this config command and wrote it to the kernel.conf file for
future boots.

Anyway, the card is mostly the same as the Vortex (if_vx.c driver) but
with some ports changed.  Sorry, I don't happen to have tech docs for the

Good luck,

Guy Helmer, Ph.D. Candidate, Iowa State University Dept. of Computer Science 
Research Assistant, Ames Laboratory       ---         ghel...@scl.ameslab.gov
Research Assistant, Dept. of Computer Science   ---   ghel...@cs.iastate.edu

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