> On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 00:53:56 MST, Mike Smith wrote:
> > It probably belongs in param.h, and you can probably safely calculate it
> > as (uid_t)0 - 1;
> Excellent.
> Another question I should have asked in my original mail is this: are
> there magical reasons why we should want pwd_mkdb to bleat for every
> encountered UID greater that 65535 ?

v2 NFS doesn't support UIDs > 65535, and UIDs around that number are 
magic to it as well.  There are serious security issues here (files 
will appear to be owned by the wrong user).

> Can you think of anything other than hysterical raisins why I shouldn't
> bump that artificial limit to the new MAX_UID when that arrives?

I think that the administrator should be forced to override the warning 
manually to indicate that they are aware of the issues they are getting 
themselves in for, or at the very least that there should be some very 
serious warnings placed in the relevant manpages (mount_nfs, passwd(5), 
vipw, etc) covering these issues.a

\\  The mind's the standard       \\  Mike Smith
\\  of the man.                   \\  msm...@freebsd.org
\\    -- Joseph Merrick           \\  msm...@cdrom.com

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