
In the kernel config file you can use symbolic names for the various 
COM ports, IO_COM1, IO_COM2, and so on.

These seem be defined in sys/isa/isareg.h.

If you want to configure FreeBSD to boot from a serial console you have
to set BOOT_COMCONSOLE_PORT in /etc/make.conf -- you can't use the
defines here, you have to use 0x3F8, 0x2F8, and so on.

As far as I can tell, BOOT_COMCONSOLE_PORT eventually gets passed down
to sys/i386/boot/biosboot/serial.S.

So, why not apply the following trivial patch to serial.S, so that 
/etc/make.conf can instead contain


which is just slightly friendlier?  I'm not what you'd call a kernel 
hacker, so this might be a stupid idea. . .


Index: serial.S
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/i386/boot/biosboot/serial.S,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -1 -r1.12 serial.S
--- serial.S    1999/04/22 21:02:44     1.12
+++ serial.S    1999/07/28 14:30:54
@@ -70,2 +70,3 @@
 #include <isa/sioreg.h>
+#include <isa/isareg.h>
 #include "asm.h"
 [intentional self-reference] can be easily accommodated using a blessed,
 non-self-referential dummy head-node whose own object destructor severs
 the links.
    -- Tom Christiansen in <37514...@cs.colorado.edu>

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