If it's of any use, I have 300 tun devices in my home development 
machine and have no problems with sendmail, but I have a tulip card 
(de) rather than an Intel and haven't every ``ifconfig delete''d it.

> Hi ...
> I previously mailed the same error ... and then I thought
> it was a "miss-corrolation" between kernel sources and 
> userland.  Since then I built a SNAP of 990726 sources
> and tried the same thing and the error occured again .
> Same sources used for the compile of the kernel and userlevel
> binaries.
> I've now traced the following down ... it has something todo 
> with the changes in net/if_dl.h (the entries added for 
> source routing and the fact that my kernel has 
> pseudo-device tun 255
> in the config.
> Setup.
> PII400 / Asus P2-99  990726 SNAP / fxp and de0 cards.
> When I do a "ifconfig fxp0 delete" and then a newaliases
> the newaliases exits with a segmentation failt.
> If I reconfig the device or up the device ... newaliases works
> ok.
> I then built a kernel with only 200 tun devices.  Then newaliases
> works everytime.  It seems that gated also suffers from the same
> problem in that if no device is configured it exits on signal 6
> (core dumped)
> Just for reference this works fine on a 2.2.7/8 FreeBSD without
> any problems ...
> The problem seems to be in conf.c of sendmail round line 4429
> if there is 255 tun devices the for loop below only gets to 
> 234 +/- and then doesn't check anything further and crashes
> (but only if the working interface is deleted)
> gdb shows that the pointer *sa points to somewhere wonderful :)
> It must have something todo with the moving of this pointer
> through the list ???
> Was anything changed for the amount of tun devices allowed ??
>         for (i = 0; i < ifc.ifc_len; )
>         {
>                 struct ifreq *ifr = (struct ifreq *) &ifc.ifc_buf[i];
>                 SOCKADDR *sa = (SOCKADDR *) &ifr->ifr_addr;
>                 struct in_addr ia;
>                 struct ifreq ifrf;
> #endif
>                 char ip_addr[256];
>                 extern char *inet_ntoa();
> #ifdef BSD4_4_SOCKADDR
>                 if (sa->sa.sa_len > sizeof ifr->ifr_addr)
>                         i += sizeof ifr->ifr_name + sa->sa.sa_len;
>                 else
> #endif
>                         i += sizeof *ifr;
>                 if (tTd(0, 20))
>                         printf("%s\n", anynet_ntoa(sa));
> Thanx
> Reinier

Brian <br...@awfulhak.org>                        <br...@freebsd.org>
      <http://www.Awfulhak.org>                   <br...@openbsd.org>
Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour !          <br...@freebsd.org.uk>

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