On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Kip Macy wrote:

> Is there anyone in particular to whom we should write at VMWare?
> I agree with his sentiments. 

        I picked a likely looking name from the "contact us" page. Make
sure that you only write if you are willing to pay for the product if they
make it, and then be sure to tell them that if you are. When I responded
to their standard "we have no plans for a freebsd port" response with some
reasonable, calm information about market share, demographics, etc. the
sales droid actually responded with something to the effect of, "Hmmm.. I
wasn't aware of that, I'll have to pass that on." So perhaps there is
hope, but I'm still not holding my breath.

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
                -- Will Rogers

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