> Posted this to freebsd questions without much of a response so going to
> it a shot here in hackers..
> getting some errors here  have pcm compiled in my kernel and did a make
> /dev/snd0 as root.
>  still no sound.  snd0 does not even come up in dmesg.

> also,  when i shut down X  (using enlightenment and the X server that came
> with the 4.1
> cd's)  i get the following:

> Gdk-Warning **: locale not supported by C library
> Gdk-Warning **: locale not supported by C library

> Gtk-Warning **: gtk_signal_disconnect_by_data ():could not find handler
> containing data
> (0x814A00)

> as a regular user when I try  'startx'  i get

> Fatal Server Error:
> xf860open console: Server must be run with root permissions.  Should be
> using Xwrapper.
> pid 250 (sound properties), uid 0:exited on signal 6 (core dumped)

> when i reboot and the kernel loads i get the following message:

> local package initialization xinetd[204] : open (/etc/xinetd.conf)
> such file or
> directory (errno=2)
> xinetd [204]: {init_services} couldn't get confiduration.
> Exit xinetd.

> ----thank you for any insight.  sorry if this is not wrapped right, as i
> using  work
> email via the web.

> Matt

> mail.insync.net

Matthew Bettinger
Financial Synergies,Inc.
1177 West Loop South, Suite 1400
Houston,Texas 77027-9086

713-623-6771 FAX

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ORG:Financial Synergies, Inc.
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