:But it might be hiding a real security threat/attack or a real breakin.  
:Say I've spent all night trying to hack into your machine and finally get in.  
:If I can reset all of ipfw's counters back to zero, and this is 
:something your security checking scripts are checking, you might not 
:think that anyone has even been trying to break into your machine, much
:less made it into the machine.  If I have some inside information, 
:I could probably even get the counters back into the range where you
:might expect them to be at.
:Hopefully if this were to happen, you might see some other console/syslog
:messages or something else that catches your eye, but then again,
:maybe not.
:Just to help out people running at higher security levels, you could
:always implement something that lets you reset the values to some
:Mike Pritchard

    I find this scenario highly unlikely.  I can think of a thousand things.
    Well, a dozen anyway, that said hacker could do to the machine that are 
    far more serious then clearing ipfw counters.  And for that reason, I
    don't really consider it a realistic scenario.  The hacker isn't going to
    give a damn about the ipfw counters.

                                        Matthew Dillon 

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