On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Oscar Bonilla wrote:

> Ok, here goes my understanding of how things should be, please correct me
> if i'm wrong.
> There are three parts to the problem: 
> 1. Where do we get the databases from? I mean, where do we get passwd, group,
>    hosts, ethers, etc from.
>    This should be handled by a name service switch a la solaris. Basically
>    we want to be able to tell the system for each individual database where
>    to get the stuff from. We can add entries for each database in the system.
> 2. How to authorize the user? I mean, what sort of authentication should we
>    use to decide if the user should be allowed in. 
>    This should be handled by PAM.

PAM also does other functions; session management, password management,

> 3. What password hash should we use when we have the username and the
>    password hash?
>    This should be handled by the new modularized crypt.
> Do we want to be able to tell the system where to get its pam.conf and
> login.conf from? This would mean having a pam.conf and login.conf entry
> in nsswitch.conf.

Hmm. I don't know that this much would be useful.

> Can we make a list of stuff that needs to be done to make this possible?
> Something like a tasklist would be good.
> a) design and implement a name service switch.
> b) make libc aware of the name service switch.
> c) ???

I think we should look at what NetBSD is doing and join with their
efforts. There's no sense in reinventing the wheel.

I'm just running my libcrypt through a make world to make sure it's okay -
once it's done I'll post the new source code snapshot for comment and


> -Oscar
> -- 
> For PGP Public Key: finger oboni...@fisicc-ufm.edu

                  The Feynman Problem-Solving Algorithm:
                        (1) Write down the problem
                        (2) Think real hard
                        (3) Write down the answer

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