Hi ...

We have previously done many network performance tests for our 
products running on FreeBSD ... 

We have found that when ever there is disk accessing involved, it
is not a good idea to look at the transfer figures.  We did tests
with ftp and is was slow (compared to only memory generated data 
e.g. ttcp)

1. If you want to test the network speed ... use ttcp or something
   that generates the data and doesn't read it from disk.

2. When doing full-duplex and using fxp cards, stay away from X-over
   cables ... use a full-duplex switch etc. ... the fxp cards are not
   made to work with X-over cables (as far as I know - ala Intel spec)
   note ... only for full-duplex tests.

We have done tests in full-duplex with non Intel cards (because we did
not have a switch at that time :)) and with max size packets we got around
188.00 Mbps using the de0 driver.


> On Sun, 18 Jul 1999, Jonathan M. Bresler wrote:
> > >   I guess I forgot about the overhead.  I've tested between two
> > > FreeBSD machines using Intel Pro100+ NIC cards connected to a Cisco 2924XL
> > > Switch Full Duplex and never seen anything close to the speeds.
> > 
> >     using netperfv2pl3 and FreeBSD 2.2.8 on 300MHz PII with fxp
> > cards (all from memory), i routinely get TCP_STREAM to pushd 94Mbps.
> > 
> >     i use these machines for stressing every else we have at work.
>       Hmmm, has anyone tried a full duplex test before?  Since it seems
> like the bottleneck is really the speed of the disks..
> Cheers,
> Vince - vi...@mcestate.com - vi...@gaianet.net           ________   __ ____ 
> Unix Networking Operations - FreeBSD-Real Unix for Free / / / / |  / |[__  ]
> GaiaNet Corporation - M & C Estate                     / / / /  | /  | __] ]  
> Beverly Hills, California USA 90210                   / / / / / |/ / | __] ]
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