Assem Salama wrote:
> I am interested in helping in the development in FreeBSD. I'm not a
> hotshot programmer but I know how to program. Could someone please send
> me the available projects that I can work on and some info about them?

        Step one, ignore all those responses to the poster who sent you the
handbook page, they are trying to drag you into freebsd's latest holy war.
:) Step two, that handbook page has a lot of good stuff, read it. Step
three, (and I can't believe this isn't mentioned in the handbook) if there
isn't anything on that page that looks interesting to you, take a look at and see if anything there
strikes your fancy. Look first at unsassigned PR's, but if one of them that
is assigned to someone looks like something you can handle and have time to
work on, mail the person it's assigned to and ask them about it. 

Looking forward to your first patch,


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