Michael Richardson wrote:
>     Ben> Tell me, Mr. Nemeth, has this ever happened to you?  Have you ever
>     Ben> come *close*?
>   Uh, since we don't run overcommit, the answer is specifically *NO*.

And what system do you run?

>   I have had it happen on other systems. (Solaris, AIX) It was very
> mystifying to diagnose. Sure, the systems were misconfigured for what we
> were trying to do, but if I wanted build a custom system for every
> application.... well... I'd be running NT.

I have to agree about the mystifying diagnose... Specially when they
*don't* page like hell.

Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)

        "Would you like to go out with me?"
        "I'd love to."
        "Oh, well, n... err... would you?... ahh... huh... what do I do

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