:hmmm... so this means that on my home server where I have:
:Device      1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Type
:/dev/od0b      262144    31176   230840    12%    Interleaved
:/dev/da1b      393216    31136   361952     8%    Interleaved
:/dev/da2b      262144    31072   230944    12%    Interleaved
:/dev/da3b      131072    31180    99764    24%    Interleaved
:/dev/sd4b      393216    30916   362172     8%    Interleaved
:/dev/sd5b       65536    30992    34416    47%    Interleaved
:/dev/sd6b      131072    30580   100364    23%    Interleaved
:Total         1637504   217052  1420452    13%
:FreeBSD metriclient-2.uoregon.edu 3.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 3.0-RELEASE #19: Sun May 
16 18:36:07 PDT 1999     
root@:/a/home/johng/FreeBSD-checkout/30r/sys/compile/hydrogen  i386
:does this mean that the kernel is using more wired memory than it should
:be?  I have been able to do extensive swapping and when I do, I can get
:around 3-4meg/sec for EACH of swapping in and out... so the performance
:is pretty decient... and I have 80megs of ram in the machine...
:I have:
:options         "NSWAPDEV=10"
:in my kernel config file...
:  John-Mark Gurney                              Voice: +1 541 684 8449

    Ok, I will be more specific.

    Under FreeBSD-STABLE *AND* FreeBSD-CURRENT, FreeBSD allocates metadata
    structures that scale to the amount of swap space assigned to the system.
    However, it is not *precisely* the amount of swap space.

    What it is is the largest single swap area multiplied by the number of
    swap areas.  Your largest single swap area is 393MB so meta-data is
    allocated to cover 393MB x 10 = 3.93 GB worth of swap even though you
    only actually have 1.6GB of swap.

    The reason things are done this way is simply because it is the easiest
    way for the swap subsystem to allocate swap.  It interleaves the swap
    areas equally across one big linear swath, and then reserves the holes
    that are left over when one swap area terminates before another.  The
    swap subsystem can then attempt to allocate a linear swath that then
    happens to inherently interleave across multiple devices.

    Under FreeBSD-stable, the kern/subr_rlist module is used.  This module
    nominally allocates holes only as required, but due to the interleaving
    there are lots of holes even when no swap is in use.   So it scales 
    roughly the same as FreeBSD-current.  The one exception is in the case
    where all the swap areas are exactly the same size.  In this case
    FreeBSD-stable does a better job in regards to the memory it uses for
    the initial allocation.

    Under FreeBSD-current we use the kern/subr_blist module, which is a fixed
    radix tree.  FreeBSD-current preallocates all the necessary bitmaps 
    required to manage the swap area so there is a larger initial memory

    FreeBSD-current makes up for this by having a (usually) smaller dynamic 
    memory component once swapping actually starts to happen.  FreeBSD-current
    preallocates the metadata in order to prevent low-memory deadlocks from 
    occuring (something FreeBSD-stable cannot guarentee using rlists).
    FreeBSD-current's swap subsystem is also an O(1)ish algorithm to both
    allocate and free swap while FreeBSD-stable's swap subsystem uses
    an O(N) algorithm to free swap and approximately O(1) to allocate it
    (unless there is fragmentation, in which case it is worse).

    In your case, if you are running STABLE I recommend that you throw
    away your smaller areas to reduce fragmentation /dev/da3b, /dev/sd5b,
    and /dev/da6b.  If you are running CURRENT it doesn't really matter...
    you will only save memory if you throw away your largest two areas,
    which I do not recommend.  The memory used by the swap subsystem is
    probably a drop in the bucket for you anyway, so you normally do not
    have to worry about it.

    Under FreeBSD-current you can use:

        vmstat -m | more
        (then search for "VM pgdata")

        vmstat -z | more
        (then search for "SWAPMETA")

    To determine how much memory has been wired to support the swap
    subsystem.  "VM pgdata" is the fixed allocation supporting the radix tree
    while SWAPMETA is the dynamic allocation supporting currently swapped-out

    Under FreeBSD-stable, just look under "VM pgdata" to see how much 
    memory is being wired to support the swap subsystem.  This usage covers
    both the fixed and dynamic allocations.

                                        Matthew Dillon 

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