> A while back, while trying to get my APC Smart-UPS 1000 to talk to my
> FreeBSD 3.4 system, I encountered a problem with the serial port.  This
> problem inspired my to write an article that was published at this months
> edition of daemonnews.
> The only thing I haven't tried is using a different serial cable.  The
> folks at APC said they sell a specialized serial cable that's made to work
> with UNIX systems.  I was about to purchase this cable and try it until I

I succesfully use my APC Smart 2000 UPS on cuaa0 on 4.1 with my own home 
soldered _special_ cable, (but an upgrade from 3.4 is not what I'm suggesting,
though of course you might want to try 4.1 anyway).

An APC, is Not a normal PC type plug, but totaly non PC standard pinout
with back compatability for non Smart models that don't use serial but 
do use 3 wire DC state output !  Do not use APC cables between 2 normal
non APC devices. Do not use normal serial cables with an APC.

I got my pdf format of the APC manual from Web August 2000:
ports/graphics/xpdf will display it.

All pinouts for PC, APC UPS, cable I made to work between etc are on my
which I'm also emailing you a private copy of.

You might possibly have damaged your serial port if you connected a normal 
cable between the UPS & PC. Did you use a straight cable (PC to modem type)
or a 'crossed' (= `rolled') cable used to normally connect 2 PCs together ?
Ask yourself this question, add the information from my pin out diagram,
& you can figure out which signals you connected where.
After that, if still have have questions, mail me.

If you really want to know what's going on, you probably need to use an
RS232/V24 Serial Breakout Box, a small cheapish thing with 9 LEDs, lots of
switches & jumper cables, & [multiple] male & female 25 or 9 pin plugs &
sockets each side of the box.
(Mine had a single 25 female + 25 male, but I extended it to have M+F 25+9
each side)

Julian Stacey   http://bim.bsn.com/~jhs/
Munich Unix Consultant.         Free BSD Unix with 3600 packages & sources.

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