> > > processes/kernel supported threads may proceed.  Sounds like
> > > RAGF(spelling?) scheme you're doing there.
> > What you describe above is correctly expresses what I was trying to
> > say.
> > 
> > Could you point me to more about this (RAGF) scheme?
>       [ML]  I don't know if I have spelled it out correctly, but this
> is the authentication scheme used on mainframes (IBM at least) where all
> syscalls are routed through the authentication subsystem before
> proceeding.  However, the subsystem seems to reside in kernel, and is
> (possibly precompiled) table driven so that it does not cause gross
> inefficiency.

RACF IIRC, often pronounced "Rack Off".

\\  The mind's the standard       \\  Mike Smith
\\  of the man.                   \\  msm...@freebsd.org
\\    -- Joseph Merrick           \\  msm...@cdrom.com

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