On Tue, 22 Jun 1999, Aaron Smith wrote:

> (also see http://www.arctic.org/~aaron/tips/freebsd-serial-console)

        Great page, thank you. One suggestion I have is that you make the
distinction between getting a login prompt on the com console and getting
the boot messages to display on the com console more clear. The fact that
those are two different things was not clear to me at all when I started
working on this, and it's kind of an important distinction. :) Also, you
might consider listing the getty stuff first. It's a lot easier to set
that up and debug it since you don't have to keep rebooting, and once
that's working getting the boot messages to display should be cake.
Finally, you might want to mention that reading
/usr/src/sys/i386/boot/biosboot/README.serial is a good idea, even though
I wish that file had more details. :-/ 

        I have a couple weird cases that I'd like to solicit comment on.

        First, I'm hooking up a new FreeBSD machine to the digiboard
serial terminal at work. Everything works at 9600, including the bios boot
messages from the Intel N440BX mb which supports serial console
redirection. The problem comes when I try to raise the speed to 38400. The
bios messages come through just fine at that speed, so the serial port and
the digiboard support it. Also, if I have a keyboard plugged in, I see
everything on the console that I should, and I get the login prompt. But
when I unplug the keyboard and the -P option in /boot.config kicks in, the
console messages come out in high ascii and even the getty prompt is
scrambled. I took the following steps:

edit /etc/make.conf
rebuild boot blocks
change my cuaa0 to std.38400 in /etc/ttys
        (ttyd0 didn't work with the digiboard)
change digiboard speed to 38400

I also tried the CONSPEED option in the kernel config (this is a -current
system) still no joy. If I downgrade everything back to 9600 I'm back in
business. I'm not sure if it should make a difference, but my cable has
only 3 pins, Transmit and Receive crossed, and Ground linked directly.
Also, the bios boot output and the digiboard both have XON/XOFF enabled,
the rest of the options are the defaults. 

        Yes I know that the obvious answer is "run it at 9600" which is ok
with me, since we don't use the comconsole very often. However I find it
kind of disturbing that it doesn't work at 38.4. :-/

        Weird case number 2 is my two home machines. I've been trying to
get a serial console going at home for months with no luck. Your
suggestion of using kermit on both boxes has lead me in the right
direction, so I'm more hopeful, but I'm still seeing weirdness. The
headless (well, the old monitor is attached, for now but no kb) server is
"slave," and my workstation is "Master." I have a commercial null modem
cable connected to com1 (cuaa0) on slave and com2 on master. (Which
reminds me, I think that one or the other of your kermit command lines
needs to be changed, since generally you don't want to connect to com1 on
both machines. :)

        When I type in kermit on master, I get nada, not even a local
echo. When I type on slave it gets passed to master, but it's all
scrambled. Sometimes it's alpha chars, sometimes it's all numbers, and
sometimes it's high ascii, depending on how I set the flow control, speed,
parity, etc. FWIW, slave is a very old (almost 5 years now) former P 90,
now running an intel overdrive chip at 150. I overclocked this machine for
years, but I stepped it down just in case that was the cause of my
problems. Master is a shiny new box I built from scratch, using an Asus
P2B mb, Celeron 300a, etc. I also overclocked this box when I built it,
but also stepped it down for this. I have 2.2.8-Release on slave, -current
(and formerly -stable, that didn't work for this either) on master. I
tried to upgrade slave to 2.2.8-stable last night just in case, but the
build failed (still working on that). I do plan to upgrade that box to
3-stable, but I can't do that yet. 

        The immediate suspect is the cable, but when I built my own cable
with just TR & G, I got the same results. I bought the commercial grade
null modem cable thinking maybe I screwed something up, but it's no
better. These are 9 pin serial ports on both boxes. I have no serial
devices on slave, and a modem on master but it's set to com3, and I only
use it in windows (master is a dual boot box). 

        I'm wondering if the overclocking on the old P90 for so many years
might have fried the uarts or something else related to the serial ports?
If so, would getting an ISA serial port card and making that my serial
console help any? I haven't tried making com2 my serial console yet, is
that worth trying? I'm also going to get some new plugs/cables/etc. this
weekend so that I can give making my own cable another try, just in case. 

        Any help on either of these cases would be appreciated. 


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