On Wednesday, 23 June 1999 at 11:09:50 +0200, Nick Hibma wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Greg Lehey wrote:
>> Does anybody have a USB scanner running under FreeBSD, or know how to
>> get one running?  I'm prepared to do some work, but I'd like to know I
>> had some chance of success.
> No one I know off. And I don't know of a scanner that we could easily
> support. It might be that there are scanners that work through the Mass
> Storage class specification (converted SCSI scanners).

*sigh* that's what I was afraid you'd say.

> If you have a scanner run the usb_dump utility available from
>       http://www.etla.net/~n_hibma/usb/usb_dump.c
> and send me the output, so we can figure out what interfaces and classes
> it supports.

No, I don't have one yet.  I was thinking of buying a scanner, and it
seemed to be a logical thing to buy a USB scanner and write a driver
for FreeBSD.

I suppose I could contact all the scanner manufacturers and ask for
programming docco.  Does anybody have any leads?

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