> > I have a drive that is rated at ~16 Meg/second, and indeed it delivers on 
> > the
> > order of 15+ Meg/second.  If I use Vinum to create a concatinated device
> > of 2 such units performance drops to 2.5 Meg/sec.  This seems like a
> > drastic drop in performance. 
> Indeed, if you're comparing apples with apples.
> > Any ideas what I am doin incorrectly?
> No.  You haven't really given any details.  
> Most of the performance testing I have done has been with striped
> plexes (which offer the potential for better performance), and I've
> found that in massively concurrent situations the performance is
> roughly what you would expect (almost n * normal disk performance,
> where n is the number of disks in the stripe set.  I'd expect
> performance of a concatenated plex to be pretty close to that of the
> raw disk.  How are you measuring performance?  I'd recommend rawio
> (ftp://ftp.lemis.com/pub/rawio.tar.gz).

Ok, I am terribly sorry I didn't provide more information.  I was very tired
(it has been a long week; after the NFS work the main NFS server that has
been having all of the problems decided that its main OS partion was going
to have a hardware failure...)  Anyway, here is some more information...

bash-2.03$ df
Filesystem        1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/da0s1a           99183    21526    69723    24%    /
/dev/da0s1e         2032623  1062270   807744    57%    /usr
/dev/da0s1f          198399     3466   179062     2%    /var
/dev/vinum/concat  29077993   252757 26498997     1%    /mnt
bash-2.03$ cd /var/tmp
bash-2.03$ df -k .
Filesystem   1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/da0s1f     198399     3466   179062     2%    /var
bash-2.03$ dd bs=64k if=/dev/zero of=foo count=2048
2048+0 records in
2048+0 records out
134217728 bytes transferred in 10.218804 secs (13134387 bytes/sec)
bash-2.03$ cd /mnt
bash-2.03$ df -k .
Filesystem         1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/vinum/concat   29077993   252757 26498997     1%    /mnt
bash-2.03$ dd bs=64k if=/dev/zero of=foo count=2048
2048+0 records in
2048+0 records out
134217728 bytes transferred in 59.653922 secs (2249940 bytes/sec)
bash-2.03$ vinum info
Can't open history file /var/tmp/vinum_history: Permission denied (13)
Can't open /dev/vinum/Control: Permission denied
bash-2.03$ su -
hostname# vinum info
Flags: 0x80204
Total of 21 blocks malloced, total memory: 9552
Maximum allocs:     1264, malloc table at 0xc3583ad4
hostname# vinum printconfig
# Vinum configuration of hostname, saved at Fri Jun 18 16:08:56 1999
drive drive1 device /dev/da0s1h
drive drive2 device /dev/da1s1h
volume concat
plex name concat.p0 org concat vol concat 
sd name concat.p0.s0 drive drive1 plex concat.p0 len 27597000b driveoffset 265b 
plexoffset 0b
sd name concat.p0.s1 drive drive2 plex concat.p0 len 32405704b driveoffset 265b 
plexoffset 27597000b

If you need anything else it can probably be provided.  Oh, this is 3.2-STABLE
from last week.

David Cross                               | email: cro...@cs.rpi.edu 
Systems Administrator/Research Programmer | Web: http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~crossd 
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,         | Ph: 518.276.2860            
Department of Computer Science            | Fax: 518.276.4033
I speak only for myself.                  | WinNT:Linux::Linux:FreeBSD

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