In article <> you 
>Sorry if I'm bothering you busy folk unnecessarily...
>If I wanted to add variant symlinks, would that just require modifications
>to namei, or is that way too simplistic?

I've done that part with help of Mike Smith and others.
I still have the changes around somewhere. it was the simpeler part of the

The harder part is to get something to be usable to replace the variable
part with. There has been some discussion on how to get information to the
kernel on the variant part. And what kind of problems would go with that.

I started on an excursion into sysctl to make it much more dynamic. And use
the information stored in there as subsitute values for the variant-links.
But since I ran out of holyday time, it has been shelved.

The discussions should still be in the archives. Most probably under variant

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