Quota crash my system after quotaoff followed by quotaon!
I applied a patch (kern/8137), but it did not work!
Can anybody explain how could i fix this problem.
here goes the patch i applied:

*** ufs_quota.c Tue Jul  9 12:51:17 1996
    --- /net/www/home/pammy/ufs_quota.c     Sat Oct  3 13:25:05 1998
    *** 775,781 ****
                    dp = dq->dq_forw;
                    if (dp)
                            dp->dq_back = dq->dq_back;
    !               *dq->dq_back = dp;
             * Initialize the contents of the dquot structure.
    --- 775,783 ----
                    dp = dq->dq_forw;
                    if (dp)
                            dp->dq_back = dq->dq_back;
    !               dp = dq->dq_back;
    !               if (dp)
    !                       dp->dq_forw = dq->dq_forw;
             * Initialize the contents of the dquot structure.

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