At 18:17 10.06.99 -0500, Chris Dillon <> wrote:
>On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Dennis wrote:
>> In  a nutshell, does anyone have a handle on the relative preformance of
>> these are? 
>> 233Mhz P5 vs 233Mhz Celeron
>Last time I looked, the price difference was enough that the Celeron
>gives you more bang for the buck.
The AMD K6-3 has given best preformance/price, at least here in Norway. The
lead has been signifficant, but most vendors have built their PCs with
CPUs. For the home-builder/upgrader, the choice has been simple, though.

But lately Intel has dropped their prices, and if I was to buy a new CPU
now, I would have to choose between PIII and K6-3 (They're pretty much
equally fast, AMD a bit faster in Q2 in windoze)


Stein B. Sylvarnes
{Open, Net, Free}BSD

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