On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Zhihui Zhang wrote:

> While studying the file ufs_readwrite.c, I see routines like uiomoveco() 
> that calls vm_uiomove() in vm_map.c.  I am almost sure that these are new
> in FreeBSD 3.x. The comment in ffs_read() says "not a VM based I/O
> requests"  == "not headed for the buffer cache". This does not make sense
> to me although I understand something about VMIO buffers and non-VMIO
> buffers. I hope someone can explain the basic ideas of I/O optimization
> with VM object (relating to the OBJ_OPT flag and the global variable
> vfs_ioopt) so that I can understand the code easier. 

After searching the mailing list archive for some time and tracing down
who calls vm_uiomove(), it seems to me that this is the zero copy read
stuff used to read data into the current process' address space.  However,
I do not know when it can be useful or any more details.


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