Marc Tardif wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 18:39:35 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Marc Tardif <>
> To:
> Subject: disassembling execve
> How can I disassemble the execve syscall?
> I tried compiling the following code:
> #include <stdio.h>
> void main() {
>         char *name[2];
>         name[0] = "/bin/date";
>         name[1] = NULL;
>         execve(name[0], name, NULL);
> }
> ... using the following command:
> gcc -o program -ggdb -static program.c
> ... and then debugging with:
> gdb program
> ... followed by:
> disassemble main
> disassemble execve
> The gcc manpage specifies that "on systems that support dynamic linking,
> this prevents linking with the shared libraries" regarding the -static
> flag. I've noted changes when using 'disassemble main' and using the
> -static flag, so it seems FreeBSD is among such systems. Yet, when running
> disassemble execve (which is what appears in the main disassembly), I get:
> "No function contains the specified address."

My system reports the following:

(gdb) disassemble execve
Dump of assembler code for function _execve:
0x80481f0 <_execve>:    leal   0x3b,%eax
0x80481f6 <_execve+6>:  int    $0x80
0x80481f8 <_execve+8>:  jb     0x80481e8 <atexit+108>
0x80481fa <_execve+10>: ret    
0x80481fb <_execve+11>: nop    
End of assembler dump.

What version of FreeBSD, gcc, and gdb are you using?  Mine are 
3.1-RELEASE,, and 4.16 respectively, all as installed from 
the 3.1 CD-ROM.  It also worked fine on my 4.0-CURRENT machine using 
egcs-1.1.2 release and 4.18.

       "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

Wes Peters                                                 Softweyr LLC            

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