The patch passes 'make world'.  I don't know about all the ports.
Technically, the member should be private, with the public interface

#define ns_rr_class(rr)       ((rr).class + 0)

The problems would be those who need an lval (like ns_parse.c).

> This is fixed in BIND-8.2.1, currently in beta testing. (The struct
> member is renamed to rr_class instead of just _class.) 
> Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,

Great!  Then this would be a temporary patch.

On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 01:09:19AM -0600, Wes Peters wrote:
> Sadly, just slapping extern "C" {} around it doesn't help.  Have you 
> done a "make world" to see what breaks?  Personally, I don't like the 
> _class nomenclature, I'd rather see qclass or something of that sort;
> a leading _ generally implies something buried in the bowels of the 
> implementation.  I also worry about breaking any ports that use low-
> level features of the resolver.
> All in all, an ulgy little problem you've brought up here.  ;^)

I agree that '_class' is a bit hokey, but if it is temporary
'_class' is more appealing since it looks that way :)


John Bradley Plevyak,    PhD,,     PGP KeyID: 051130BD
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