> | I know of *NO* programmer who does not delight in completely ripping out
> | and replacing existing code with code that he has written from scratch.
> | It's great fun, and it allows the person to feel better about the
> | system, themselves, and make sure that they can debug the existing code
> | better.  I do it all the time.  But, I know for a fact that it's rarely
> I guess you don't really know me.  I've always taken great pleasure in
> fixing other peoples code.

Does that mean you *don't* like writing your own code from scratch?  I
never said that people don't *also* enjoy figuring out other people's
code, but it's often *much* less fun when you are the person responsible
for maintaining it long-term.

> I also like code without coments, it forces me to understand the actual
> written code and derive the concept from it vs. assuming the concept that 
> has been described.  Comments for me are to describe "black magic" ie. 
> bizare side-effect/hardware bugs.

*Ewww*  You *are* a special guy, aren't you. *grin*

I need comments in my own code because I look at so much code nowadays
that I forgot even why *I* did things at a later point. :)


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