Nate Williams said:
> Case in point, John Dyson's comments explanation to the mailing list for
> many of his design decisions explained to even an uninformed person like
> me that some of the changes you've made were penalizing FreeBSD, not
> helping it in some cases.
BTW, my frustration was due to the strong assertions being made with
no qualification as to them being "preliminary."  It was made worse
due to the offers that I had made (and in fact supported) to help
correct the misunderstandings before the assertions were made publically,
or code was being committed.  If code is being committed, then it
is difficult to assume that the code is only "preliminary."  "Preliminary"
at the level of the sometimes misunderstanding was pre-alpha in
quality, and probably not appropriate for commits.

Finally, the frustration level got to the point of overflowing.
Recognizing the "learning curve" is maybe being made in hindsight.  If
the individual who was in the "learning" phase would have acknowledged
or admitted it to themselves at the time, the needed questions would
have been asked by them to clarify their misunderstanding (and sometimes
my understanding was wrong also -- however there was a very strong
assertiveness that seemed to make it difficult for me to overcome.)

Note there were significant commits made without the sometimes
"incorrect" assertions being checked.  In fact, some commits were
made while those assertions were currently challenged, and in some
cases found to be incorrect.

Not all of the assertions that were made were incorrect, and in *some*
cases I was wrong.  However, the inability to accept a challenge caused
severe tension.  I didn't have lots and lots of time to review the
claims, and sometimes I had to give hints as to the needed fixes.  There
were some assumptions made about the complexity of the code, and those
assumptions about it were often (but not always) wrong.  If the questions
were asked in the form "how does this work?" instead of "this is wrong,
and I have a fix" then there would have been few problems.  Of course,
in many cases, the statement that "this is wrong" was incorrect, because
the question "how does this work?" wasn't often asked.

The learning curve would have been much less painful if questions
would have been asked and/or the answers weren't ignored.  (There were
cases of my answers and suggestions not even being challenged, but
were rejected out of hand.)  After a while, the *only* way to be
heard was to become extremely assertive.  Being assertive the way
that I had to be was very very painful for me, but regressions
kept on creeping in.  The *only* way to throttle the anti-progress
was to raise a big stink.

As an artifact of hindsight, it might be possible to currently
spin the situation as being a difficult learning curve, but the
fact was that the learning curve didn't have to be difficult, and
the tools to make it easier were available, but were ignored.

Since a review process is now in place, and if it is continues to be
followed, then the commit privs might (IMO) reasonably be reinstated.
The key is to make it a standard practice to truly understand a piece
of code before making changes to it.  I was upset about Matt having
his privs removed, but also had mixed feelings about it due to the
need to throttle some of the changes that were being made sometimes
without a clear understanding of how the code being changed really

I suspect that there are still things happening that miss the point
as to how the code works, and I am still available as a resource.
However, seeing code changes that are a result of ignoring either
the need to carefully understand the code, or ignoring available
resources caused alot of frustration.  There is *nothing* that
inhibits me from communicating how the code works, however the
potential recipient of the info has to want to hear it.  Sometimes
I had to give hints rather than detailed operational info, but those
hints would have mitigated enough regression to make the information
worthwhile.  I am sometimes slow about reviewing things (like the
pipe code fixes right now), however will eventually get around to

FreeBSD is in the phase where it needs to maintain commercial quality
with less tolerance for experimental works interfering with operational
behavior.  The backlog of new code that I had when I quit was probably
at least a year of commits.  Quickly writing code and committing it
(even if the code was well understood) had to stop, and it was part of
my new operating procedure, esp since I was one of the more aggressive
system-breaker :-).  I had put together a testing framework (including
people interested in getting pre-commit code to experiment with.)  I
suggest that that sort of infrastructure be put into place now, if
there are significant new features to be added.  (It isn't enough, IMO,
to have code reviewed by developers, but it is wise to enlist the
support of end users who are willing to try new changes on test boxes.)

In order to start from where the code is today, instead of starting
from scratch or loosing capabilities, fully understanding the code
is necessary.  When Matt first started, it was pretty clear that
his understanding was superficial, and enough to make non-strategic
changes to the code.  In order to understand the code in depth it
probably takes at least several mos for a competent programmer.  It is
likely that there are still pieces that he doesn't understand, but
also it is likely that he now knows more about the areas that he
doesn't fully understand, and recognizes that there are *sometimes*
things under the surface that require careful study.  My guess
is that he probably didn't initially recognize that fact, and that
is one reason why he didn't feel like he needed the answers to the
questions that he didn't know that he needed to ask :-).  Note that
when the FreeBSD code was initially being upgraded to what it is
today (over the last 5yrs), there were few resources for DG and
I to utilize.  Now, there are such resources (the current developers
can use DG or me, or other longer term developers.  Matt has ALC
working with him also.)  When we were moving the codebase aggressively
forward, doing some things that weren't done before (especially in
source-available code), we didn't have anyone to ask.  Now the developers
have a much better support system, and there are fewer excuses for
regression in the codebase.

Some of the reasons for FreeBSD's behavior are not individual features
in isolation, but are a result of the interaction of various design
choices.  It is difficult to express those kinds of facts when the
reasons for the individual choices aren't well known by the person
trying to interpret the information and design choices.  There was
a strong need for bidirectional communications, and a need to *convince*
Matt that there are more things going on under the hood than most
people would initially observe.  There are some pieces of the code that
are designed a certain way, with the plan for the future to eventually
formalize the implementation.  A good example of this was the way
that the pageout queues were managed.  It is very easy to overlook the
reason for the code to do what it does :-).  An open discussion amongst
developers would have clarified the reasons for the design choices, and
the 1Hr/wk or so on the phone would have been alot more efficient for
my time than spending alot of time (>>1Hr/wk) writing docs that I
unfortunately didn't have the time to produce.  (One of the reasons
why I had to quit FreeBSD was extreme burnout due to the creation
of a vast amount of backlogged work...  I just couldn't do "it"
anymore until I recovered.  I had lots of stuff cooking for FreeBSD
at the time.)  The pageout queue blowup wouldn't have happened if
a phone call was made, and I could have explained why it was needed.
(That would have taken a few minutes, and there would have been no
public discussion.)

By asking questions, people often get more of an answer than they
really need.  When dealing with complex issues, it is best to
talk on the phone, and I continue to suggest that on an as
needed basis.  Some simple phone calls can eliminate alot of
friction.  Perhaps I should have provided more time to him, but
I really couldn't then, and I sometimes could only provide help
in the form of "hints".  If those hints were listened to, most
of the problems and regressions that have transpired wouldn't
have happened.  Sometimes  I have been wrong in technical areas
where I might be expert, but few people can truthfully claim that 
I don't admit it when I am wrong, and try to correct the effects
of my misunderstanding.

John                  | Never try to teach a pig to sing,      | it makes one look stupid         | and it irritates the pig.

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