Hi, I spent most of the day recompiling X and what not. All the patches applied cleanly, there are some rejects with MESA, but I think that has to do with tags and comments at the beginning of files. Everything compiled fine, and the module loads, now I just need to get my hands on quake2 :) my video card is a RIVA 128, pci. Seems like they've improved 2d accel quite a bit. Here are the steps I took: cd /usr/ports/x11/XFree86/; make fetch extract patch; patch < XFree86-3_3_3_1.diff; read the README for the glx module, and make some changes to /usr/ports/x11/XFree86/work/xc/config/cf/xf86site.def. I changed #define BuildGlxExt NO to YES. The readme says that's the default, so this may not be necesary. make; make FORCE_PKG_REGISTER=yes install; cd /usr/ports/graphics/Mesa3; make fetch extract patch; patch < Mesa-3_0.diff; make install; cd glx-0.99; edit the Config file and set XSERVTOP = /usr/ports/x11/XFree86/work/xc and MESATOP = /usr/ports/graphics/Mesa3/work/Mesa-3.0 xmkmf; make Makefile; make Makefiles; make; make install; then edit /etc/XF86Config and add Load "glx.so" to the modules section, and restart your X server. In the output of startx you should see something about loading GLX module. Most Cool. I'd appreciate if someone with quake 2 handy could let me know if it works...
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