Leo Papandreou <l...@talcom.net> wrote:
>On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 07:31:57PM -0600, Wes Peters wrote:
>> And, as far as *word processors* go, troff, nroff, and ed pretty
>> much suck.
>Thats absolutely correct. They have no built-in diversion to cope
>with writer's block. With MS-Word you can futz with fonts for hours :-)

This may be true of ed, but (based on a URL that was posted a few days
ago), vi provides a range of diversions.

I've seen references to people writing Towers of Hanoi in troff, but
I don't have a pointer to the actual code.

Of course, it doesn't come close to emacs' capabilities - check out
'info emacs Amusements' :-).  When running under X, you can play with
the fonts and colours as well.

Emacs has also had the ability to embed viruses in documents for far
longer than M$-Word has been around - but the defaults are somewhat
more sensible and there don't seem to be as many virii floating


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