Our home directory NFS server went down again today, "same bat-panic".
This time it went down on ".Maillock" (usually it goes down on a netscape
cache file or .Xauthorit-c.  Piecing some more together I modified my old
"crash_patoot.c" file (which didn't cause any problems), to the new and 
improved version that does.

This is our environment:
FreeBSD NFS server running 3.2-STABLE from 1.5 to 2 weeks ago. Multiple
client machines of multiple architectures (Solaris 2.6, Irix 6.5.2+, FreeBSB
3.2+).  These crashes were all reproduced with a Solaris client, I do not know
if it is reproduceable with other clients.   Below is the short code segment
that will cause the crash, the additions I added to it to cause the crash
were rename(2) and unlink(2), without those I could not get a crash.

Also, available upon request is a packet dump of all traffic to/from that
machine leading to the crash (it is only 198336 bytes long, it was 
captured with '-s 1500' with tcpdump).

Without further ado crash_patoot.c:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        int fd;
        int counter;
        char newfilename[1024];

        for(counter=0;counter<1000000;counter++) {
                fd=open(argv[1], O_CREAT, 600);
                write(fd, &counter,4);
                rename(argv[1], newfilename);
                rename(newfilename, argv[1]);
                fd=open(newfilename, O_CREAT,600);
                fd=open(newfilename, O_CREAT,600);
        return 0;

If you are able to reproduce this panic please let me know.  I want to be
assured I am not going out of my mind.  I am attempting to dig through the NFS
code to try to find the bug myself, but it is a daunting task.

David Cross                               | email: cro...@cs.rpi.edu 
Systems Administrator/Research Programmer | Web: http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~crossd 
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,         | Ph: 518.276.2860            
Department of Computer Science            | Fax: 518.276.4033
I speak only for myself.                  | WinNT:Linux::Linux:FreeBSD

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