On Mon, May 31, 1999 at 11:41:13PM +0200, Ollivier Robert wrote:

> > I've noticed that dynamic linking in Perl also doesn't work for me,
> > likely for the same reason.  I haven't tried rebuilding perl with
> > "-export-dynamic" yet, though.
> It will work. Trust me :-)
> /usr/src/contrib/perl5/hints/freebsd.sh:

I'm not sure I understand.  If "-export-dynamic" is supposed to be
there, then why isn't it?  If it's not supposed to be there, then why
do I need it (there, and for login(1))?

Confused as always,

Matthew Hunt <m...@astro.caltech.edu> * Stay close to the Vorlon.
http://www.pobox.com/~mph/           *

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