>I recently heard about the "Diamond HomeFree" network cards that provide
>an ethernet interface running on a traditional in-home phone system.  They
>supposedly situation an ethernet-style layer in one of the free frequency
>ranges, and make use of an AMD chip to do this (mentioned in title).  I
>note that we have an AMD drive that, according to the 3.2 release notes,
>supports 'AMD PCnet/PCI (79c970 & 53c974 or 79c974)'.  These numbers are
>pretty similar -- does anyone know if the driver supports this card?  If
>not, anyone have information on whom I might contact at AMD to get specs
>to modify our driver to support it (I assume that it probably has a prety
>similar interface).  The AMD chip is the only one, pretty much, on the PCI
>card so I assume it's the only relevant component.

The data sheet is available on AMD's web site.

Try http://www.amd.com/products/npd/techdocs/22206.pdf

>I head in this direction as I just discovered the wall I planned to drop
>UTP down to get to our ADSL modem in the basement is not going to be happy
>holding cables :-), and there are existing phone lines all over the place.
>The propaganda on the back says it can handle up to a megabit, which is
>pretty decent; the bumf also claims it coexists happily with existing
>phone service and xDSL at the same time.

Robert Swindells
Robert Swindells     - GenRad Ltd
r...@genrad.co.uk     - Work
r...@fdy2.demon.co.uk - Home

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