> From: Dennis <den...@etinc.com>
> Date: 1999-05-27 09:43:09 -0700
> To: hack...@freebsd.org
> Subject: mbuf stuff
> We've encountered a situation where mbuf allocations inside a device 
> interrupt handler fails occasionally...and it always seems to  
happen when
> rtalloc() is interrupted. Is this due to some sort of locking  
(rtalloc is
> run at splnet())...should it perhaps be run at splimp() to avoid  
this problem?
> What other causes for mbuf failures might reasonably be expected? Is 
> allocating mbufs at interrupt time something that wasnt expected in the 
> original system design?

This may be already clear, but just in case: m_get has an argument  
(nowait) to tell the allocater whether it's ok to sleep to wait for  
buffers in a low-memory situation.  When called from interrupt level,  
the call can't sleep, so you have to set 'nowait' to M_DONTWAIT.   
This means that you *have* to deal with a null return in this case.

In your specific case, rtalloc() calls rtalloc1(), which raises the  
processor priority to splnet (I'm looking at a 3.1 source base).  You  
can interrupt rtalloc() without harm.  I do wonder why you're always  
in that routine when this occurs, but I can't provide any  
illumination there.  How frequently does this occur?



Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large *
Institute for General Semantics       |
Manager, CoreOS Networking            | When crypto is outlawed,
Apple Computer, Inc.                  | Only outlaws will have crypto.
2 Infinite Loop                       |
Cupertino, CA 95014                   |

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