Joe Abley <> wrote:

> I compiled the 1.1 client for FreeBSD3.1 -- what seems to be the
> problem with it? [It seemed to work ok for me, but I admit I didn't
> test it very exhaustively].

I'm running it on a P166 box running 3.1, and it's running quite 

As an aside:

I noticed on the s...@home page, in the top user and machine states, 
there are machines supposedly running i386 architectures, under 
Windows NT, getting 9minutes of CPU time per work unit. As I 
understand it, the s...@home clients report the CPU time per running 
process and the recorded stats average across the multiple processes, 
so N multiple machines under a single email address will not simply 
result in an apparent CPU time per work unit of 
actual_time_per_work_unit/N. With that in mind, what the hell are 
these i386 based machines that achieve a CPU speed two orders of 
magnitude greater than my P166? (and my Win96 Celeron 416MHz for 
that matter).

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                                                -- C.
Craig Harding         Head of Postproduction, Outpost Digital Media Ltd
     "I don't know about God, I just think we're handmade" - Polly

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