On Thursday, 13 May 1999 at 10:02:36 +0100, Andrew Doran wrote:
> Chuck Youse wrote:
>> Whoa ... can anyone substantiate that this poor performance is typical
>> or atypical of DPT SCSI RAID controllers?
> This is atypical, 

What's typical?  Have you (or anybody else) done any measurements?
I'd be very interested to see other results.

> however DPT HBAs are *very* touchy about termination and
> cabling. For instance, with two identical (old) Seagate Hawks on a
> SmartCache III, I get 2MB/s reads from one and 500kB/s from the
> other.

Have you analysed the reasons for this discrepancy?  If you can't get
rid of the problem, it's not exactly an advertisement for DPT.

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