Joe Abley wrote:
>On Tue, May 11, 1999 at 11:50:04AM -0700, Ted Faber wrote:
>> [xanim modules for Linux only, author lacks a build env]
>There are a couple of people with shell accounts on my machines, who use
>them to compile FreeBSD versions of things. I'm more than happy to provide
>more (although some of the machines are laboriously slow). They're all
>in New Zealand, which isn't as far from the west coast USA in network
>terms as you might think.

Thanks for the offer, Joe, and I think it's generally a good thing,
but the xanim author won't go that route.  See
http://xanim.va.pubnix.com/xa_dlls.html .  The short form is that the
NDA he's under (or at least his interpretation thereof) won't let him
upload to an account and compile there.

>It just occurs to me that a list of people prepared to offer compilation
>environments to people who insist in distributing binaries might be helpful.

I think that's a good idea.  Is there some human at FreeBSD who would
be willing to keep track of such a list and put it on a web page?  Or
is there too little cost/benefit?

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ted Faber                                                fa...@isi.edu
USC/ISI Computer Scientist                   http://www.isi.edu/~faber
(310) 822-1511 x190      PGP Key: http://www.isi.edu/~faber/pubkey.asc

Version: 2.6.2


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