> I have a notebook PC with Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD on it.
> I installed the FreeBSD booter into the Master Boot Record (MBR).
> Using that, I can boot Windows or FreeBSD. But Linux doesn't
> show up as a boot choice, because I installed it into a "dos
> extended" partition (slice), to keep linux from (ridiculously)
> eating up half (two) of the tiny number of disk slices (it normally
> wants a whole partition (slice) just for swap). This way linux
> only takes up one of the four slices.
Use a swap file instead, or even do without swap if you have the RAM.
Also, I'm pretty sure you can enable a compile time option so that Linux
can use BSD slices, which may or may not make a difference in your case
(pre-boot/boot stage).
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