Wes Peters wrote:
> Jim Flowers wrote:
> >
> > Last I checked the wi driver will not do IBSS and says so in the
> > documentation. I also tried it and couldn't get anywhere. Would be nice.
> You must've last checked a long time ago:
> The wicontrol command controls the operation of WaveLAN/IEEE wireless
> networking devices via the wi(4) driver. Most of the parameters that can
> be changed relate to the IEEE 802.11 protocol which the WaveLAN imple-
> ments. This includes the station name, whether the station is operating
> in ad-hoc (point to point) or BSS (service set) mode, and the network
> name of a service set to join (IBSS) if BSS mode is enabled. The wicon-
> trol command can also be used to view the current settings of these pa-
> rameters and to dump out the values of the card's statistics counters.
> --
> "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"
> Wes Peters Softweyr LLC
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://softweyr.com/
quite correct. I considered revisiting the matter non-important since anyone
that would
use fbsd 3.4 or later should have such features by default...(otherwise wavelan
support would
be pretty stranded :)..
Now, I have my reservations about the card's statistics counters.....I have yet to
see working statistics
on the wavelan interface...That has *not* been working since 3.4 for me...anyone
that can tell me I am
wrong...please do as I want to use these stats pretty badly...
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