> Oliver Fehr wrote:
> > 
> > I recommend reading "Modern Operating Systems" by Andrew S. Tannenbaum
> > (Prentice Hall). Though a bit old (1992, I think) it will give you most of
> > the information you want.
> The problem with Tannenbaum's book is that it doesn't cover any modern
> operating systems.  Mr. Bliss, once you've finished your research, please 
> write a replacement text that covers Mach (as a starting point), Chorus, 
> Plan9, Spring, and Flux.

        Anyway, it is an excellent theory book. And, once you have
read it, you can read documents describing other OSs, like, for example,
the articles describing Plan 9. "Modern operating Systems" also covers
Amoeba, which is indeed a modern operating system. Plan 9 and Amoeba
give you an excellent spectrum on the design of distributed operating 
systems; both are quite different, with different design goals.


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