
Now I am trying to use the boot.flp image that comes with the 4.1-Release
My alteration on that boot.flp is to replace the kernel.gz with my own (it
contains a different set of binaries in the mfsroot.

Now when my CD boots, the PC just goes into an endless reboot cycle. If I
stop the boot process when "loader" is loaded and try to load my kernel
manually (load kernel.gz) the loader answers with a "don't know how to load
module /kernel.gz" error.

If I do a lsmod, there is nothing loaded.

I am getting really confused and frustrated... Good thing that I have a
rewritable CD available :)

Also on a side note, I think that it would be a great feature to have
"mount_cd9660" as part of the binaries compiled in the fixit and/or install
floppies. At least this way I could mount my CD after booting from a
floppy... ohwell...


"Johan Kruger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Ok, here's what i did ( busy building a custom CD installation )
> After the 'make release' , i took the boot.flp image 2.88 Meg and
> mounted it. I deleted everything except for /boot/boot0-2 an the
> bootforth loader. Then i made my own kernel allowing a MFS of 2048 x 512
> blocks, giving me 1.44 Meg in the filesystem.
> In this i crunched 72 Megs of binary's , one of them 'chroot'
> I compiled init as not to look for 'rc' ( check the Makefile, define part
> that's specifically for a release )
> After this i use the write_mfs_in_kernel script and umount it ( remember
> compress the kernel after the mfs write
> sh -e doFS.sh -s mfsroot ./ /mnt 2880 johan's_mfsfd_root_dir/ 8000
> ./write_mfs_in_kernel kernel mfsroot
> gzip -9vc kernel > kernel.gz
> vnconfig /dev/vn0 boot.flp
> mount /dev/vn0 /mnt
> rm /mnt/kernel.gz
> cp kernel.gz /mnt/kernel.gz
> umount /mnt
> vnconfig -u /dev/vn0
> Now your boot.flp is ready for mkisofs
> Basically what happens now , i copy my complete live filesystem with
> installed apps to the CD's root dir, and when i do mkisofs, i use my new
> bootimage. After boot , since it can not find rc, it executes .profile in
> the MFS filesystem in the kernel- BUT ONLY if you compiled init for the
> crunch with in /usr/src/sbin/init/Makefile
> In .profile i put 'mount_cd9660 /dev/acd0a /cdrom' ( /cdrom an extra dir i
> in my filesystem ) and 'chroot /cdrom /setup' , where setup is my prog,
> this works perfectly , i even load my own modules before the chroot and so
> The release i built is 5.0-CURRRENT , and if you want the boot.flp i can
> attach it for you. Just mail me. Right now i'm going home - it's Friday -
> last
> *;-)

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