On Tue, 1 Aug 2000, Steve Hocking wrote:

> Is is possible to use an SSH connection with a tun interface at
> either end, such that one could have a VPN? I'm tired of waiting for
> people here to make a decision on a package and would like to have a
> proof of concept up and running. Extra points for those who can do
> the same thing with a Linux box at one end.

# Change the following parameters as appropriate

/usr/local/bin/pty-redir \
  /usr/bin/ssh -t -e none -o 'Batchmode yes' \
                     -i $key -l $user \
                     $host > $HOME/vpndev

/usr/sbin/pppd `cat $HOME/vpndev` debug $laddr:$raddr

# wait a few seconds for the connection to establish

Your connection will be on ppp0.  The remote side should have
/usr/sbin/pppd as the login shell (or you can specify in it on the ssh
command like, I'm pretty sure).

If you use this method, you will need to modify pty-redir slightly so
that it's child sleeps for a second or so before execing ssh.  This
works around a combination of non-standard behaviour in our pty
ioctl(), and, I believe, a mis-use of 'isatty()' in ssh.

Brian Dean

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