On Friday, July 28, 2000, Nate Williams wrote:
> >    That is incorrect.  FreeBSD's userland pthread implementation
> > does not block the whole process on I/O.  POSIX does not specify
> > this behavior either.

> Actually, sometimes it does (for example when reading from an I/O device
> where select can't be used succesfully).

   Hmm.  That's true.  And that's where uthreads has its main
problems as I understand it.

> > > FreeBSD Kernel-threads (dunno what they are called actually) can't be
> > > used natively!? (Searched the archives and found an explanation that the
> > > only way to access normal kernel SMP-thread functionality is to use
> > > LinuxThreads)

> >    FreeBSD's kernel threads are for separate threads of execution
> > in the kernel and aren't the same thing as threads for a user
> > process.

> You're missing the point.  He's asking for 'kernel threads' so that
> multiple independant thread of execution for a given 'userland process'
> can be running simulataneously (virtually on a UP, and realistically on
> a MP).

   I thought he had seen the term 'kernel threads' in the context
of FreeBSD before, likely in the context of kthread_create() in
the kernel.

|Chris Costello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|May the force be... your umbrella!  - Plucky Duck

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