In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mike Smith writes:
: Typically, the loss of the ability to demand-page from a gzipped 
: executable is a worse detracting factor than the space saving makes up 
: for.

This is one reason that Timing Solutions runs all of its small systems
out of uncompressed flash or Disk On Chip.  We thought about saving a
little money and going to 8MB or 16MB parts rather than 64M parts and
decompressing into memory, but some simple exeriments that I did
showed that this savings would be offset by needing more RAM to hold
the entire decompressed image.  Much of the stuff we have on our CF
parts is needed only for boot or configuration, so it turns out that
only a small part of the binaries need to be in RAM at any given time.
The price difference between either the 8MB or 16M and 64M CF part is
something like $80.  The price for an additional 32MB of ram is about
$70-$80, give or take in the 72pin SIMMs that we have on our boards.
Given our volumes, it didn't make sense to spend the 50 or so hours
needed to make a compressed solution bulletproof, plus the unknown
amount of time that a compressed solution causes for updates and
patches.  Even if we did 100 units, that's only $1000, which, counting
overhead, is like 5-10 hours of somebody's time, which is far below
the cost it would take to engineer the solution, plus build process
additions, upgrade hassles, etc.

The .gz files would solve only the upgrade hassle issue, while leaving
the other issues in place.

Each company has its own cost/benefit analysis for these things.  So
far none of them have seen enough of a benefit to .gz executables to
implement them for elf.


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